A CLASSIC THEATRE presents for your holiday pleasure TWO one-acts in a celebratory evening of theater!
ACT ONE opens the evening with Jason Woods in a shortened reprise of his original one-man version of the classic A Christmas Carol. Those who saw the full version last season were astounded by this talented actor's portrayal of all the characters in the story. This abbreviated version encompasses all the elements of the familiar full-length production and is certain to put you in the mood to begin the Holiday season.
ACT TWO brings Ashley Carter to the stage in a reading Truman Capote's A Christmas Memory. This gem of a holiday story is a warm autobiographical recollection of Capote's rural Alabama boyhood and has become a modern-day classic! It is an unforgettable portrait of an enduring friendship between two innocent souls -- one young and one old -- and the memories they share of beloved holiday rituals.